Music from Human Chromosome 9

The music scans the human chromosome 9 at a rate of about a million bases in one second. Melody is derived from the contour of local GC content profile, high pitches for AT-rich and low pitches for GC-rich regions, and each gene is represented by one of two percussion sounds depending on the direction of the transcription.

What if the scientists represent themselves world as a piece of music instead of searching a pre-determined “mecanism”?


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Frank Wilczek, Nobel in Physics (2004 ), found music in the fundamental particles of our world. It isn???t surprising that harmony is in every aspect of Nature.However, there are several unresolved questions: are these known melodies the only available? Is it possible to create new ones?

Agree with you about your questions. Apart of the different melodies we could possibly find, we are also far of the first enthusiasm when scientists discovered the pattern of the human genome and said that they were closer to solve the mystery of human life. Yes certainly we are closer than before but the "chaos" is there also…

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